Today is the 19th of June 2016 and 13th of Ramzan 1437 . This is my Sunday Blog # 11 and the 2nd Sunday Blog in Ramzan . Yes this is the 2nd Sunday of Ramzan see how fast (!) time flies . In just two hours the sehri time will end here in karachi .Ramzan Mubarak once again.
So First of All let me update about the fruity Banana tree we tried to save last sunday . Well the recovery is very slow but i am glad that the fruity part of the banana tree split did not dry so there is still hope and the chances as good.
About the two famous people well i am very sorry to say that our very dear FO (foreign office ) yesterday issued an Obituary and later retracted few hours ago . While the Saudi Arabian King has offered to have special prayers in Mecca. The Dharna specialist Dr Tahir ul Qadri Also abruptly ended his dharna after specially coming just for it from canada.

3:00 am Before the Ramzan I was so worried as to how i am going to worship in peace . You know we the muslims get so excited with the Ramzan save rupee 5 or else offers by pepsico and its sister organizations that in few days the whole Fasting and praying exercise is overshadowed by sneezing and coughing . Imagine just imagine you are standing in a rank row and the guy just next to you start sneezing and the one behind you in the next starts coughing can you concentrated . The fear of catching the germs and virus is immense and the dread that if you get infected you may even be not able to continue fasting for Allah's blessings this ramzan. This year i was seriously thinking of Making an NGO for the collection of Zakat and sadaqat ul fitr using all my contacts and connections i don't think that would have been any difficult. And with that money i could have bought a flat in the Bahria town tower . Imagine how peaceful that place especially the top floors are for Praying during Ramzan. Away from all the infected de factos. But Now after surviving the first two weeks of Ramzan i believe putting off this grand design until the Ramzan Next or later was not such a bad idea.
3:45 am Sehri Time
5:10 am
Dua (Prayer) at the Beginning of the Fast
So with this prayer my 13th fast (roza) of this Ramzan 1437 has begin or began whatever. The end of Sehri time in karachi today was 4:13 am its over an hour now . I am here after sehri and fajr prayer . after fajr i usually fall asleep but today i am here can't sleep . even though there is too much sleep in my eyes. The blogging can be so addictive. I had very simple sehri . A boiled egg in leftover chicken masala with two roti (chappati ) and a cup of tea and a bottle (500 ml) of Water.

Okay so where were we before the sehri oh yes talking of de facto. After quite a few years of wandering to far flung mosques away from the neighbourhood this year i decided to go back to the local mosque. By far flung i mean about Rs 60/- demanded by the motorized three wheeler's drivers or if you walk you have to leave home with the start of Azan otherwise you may miss the aqamat(The word iqama or ikamet (Arabic: إقامة) refers to the second call to Islamic Prayer, given immediately before the prayer begins) call. I will tell the reasons for leaving the local mosque some other time no promise . In few years nothing much has changed here except that most of regulars have changed. In recent years the restless cardiologically challenged rich people have increased in the mosques . In the extreme left and right sides of the rank rows there are desks and chair parked like rickshaws where people who could not prostrate (sajda) on the ground do it sitting. They Usually drive in their expensive cars from home or office and hop on to the chair or desk vacant or bring their own folding chairs (rickshaws) . Some of those are very light weight and handy to carry.
When i started going to this mosque in my childhood with Papa everybody knew him . Some liked him few were relatives . Now most are strangers very few familiar faces. The only relative i often see is an old first cousin of Papa who also happens to be a nearby neighbour. His father and my Papa had a close relationship which excluded him so because i had an even more close relationship with my Papa obviously he was excluded. Some unknown forces has tried and failed to fill up the gap or divide between us many a times at the cost of total destruction of the Afghanistan . Just few days ago in Ramzan we had an eye contact without an exchange of greetings at the end of taravee prayer and the afghan occupiers had to retreat.
The three main and biggest reasons why i donot follow the islamic way of person to person contact at the prayers or on the way are
1, weather not compatible i sweat a lot more profusely than most other fellow beings and Peers.
2, Karachi has a very bad reputation regarding street crime.
3, I don't enjoy embarrassing semi, partial or total strangers Some do come in handy when i am in the mood.
1:00 pm I have been up for over an hour now and ironically also on computer . the net is working fine as it is Sunday morning in ramzan most of the users on my cable are fast (!) asleep . The reason for not continuing this blog was a priority hardware / software installation task given to me by my superiors . you see every Kg has a kg + (translation of urdu proverb)
2:45 pm Okay i did it . The task is done . And i am still in the mood to do this blog. But first i have to offer the zuhr prayer and see how the weather is outside.

4:00 pm This week we had two fateha of paternal grand father in ramzan and paternal grand mother in june . Btw today is the happy fathers day and we should also offer fateha for him today. This week something happened that reminded me of Papa very much . One of his old neighbour and friends daughter presented the punjab budget. If he had been alive he would have been super excited as both Punjab and budget was his subjects of interest. And i and my siblings would have been on the receiving end .
(dekho ghous saab ki baiti ko sardar guttar singh ban gaie hai and i would have retorted ...17 khrab main se sirf ek khrab bacha kay ghariboun ki ata daal pey subsidy deyte toh mein Sardar manta . abhi toh jo yeah log kar rahey hain woh meri samjh main toh nahein aaraha. ) . Well too much of something is just as tough . The lions of PMLN have too many rats as saviours so lets see if the hunters hunt it or calls an expert Pied Piper . Oh i simply love both stories. Don't you ?
This week a very interesting thing happend Afghan border security forces indiscriminately fired on the under construction border checkpost and gate being build by the Pak Army at Torkham . An officer embraced shahadat may his soul rest in peace. The Pak - Afghan Border remained closed and tense all week . I have no idea what Afghans who became super rich during the war Wants ? All i want is that they mind there own business and stop seducing our NADRA .
Asr Time :
Iftar Time :
Dua (Prayer) at the End of the Fast
O Allah! I fasted for You and I believe in You and I put my trust in You and I break my fast with Your sustenance
8:00 pm

So this is my iftar for today . Praiseth the Lord !
This week the Army announced that it has completed two years of The operation zarb-i-Azb against terrorist both is waziristan and karachi. The operation in karachi has been more successful with clear and visible results all i can say for waziristan is jungle main moor naacha kis ney dekha....still we have to take their word for it and thank them for all the sacrifices they have given for us . May the Lord be pleased with them and give them all he courage and strength they need to continue their resolve of bringing the peace this country and its people and especially the armed forces need and deserve. Pak fauj zindabad Pakistan Paindabad .
Here i end my Sunday blog # 11 wish you all a very happy and prosperous Eid shopping week ahead. Drive safe and stay safe eat healthy and keep praying for his blessings . here is one of my most favourite Naat ay Rasool ay maqbool (SAW) . Jazak Allah .

About the two famous people well i am very sorry to say that our very dear FO (foreign office ) yesterday issued an Obituary and later retracted few hours ago . While the Saudi Arabian King has offered to have special prayers in Mecca. The Dharna specialist Dr Tahir ul Qadri Also abruptly ended his dharna after specially coming just for it from canada.

3:00 am Before the Ramzan I was so worried as to how i am going to worship in peace . You know we the muslims get so excited with the Ramzan save rupee 5 or else offers by pepsico and its sister organizations that in few days the whole Fasting and praying exercise is overshadowed by sneezing and coughing . Imagine just imagine you are standing in a rank row and the guy just next to you start sneezing and the one behind you in the next starts coughing can you concentrated . The fear of catching the germs and virus is immense and the dread that if you get infected you may even be not able to continue fasting for Allah's blessings this ramzan. This year i was seriously thinking of Making an NGO for the collection of Zakat and sadaqat ul fitr using all my contacts and connections i don't think that would have been any difficult. And with that money i could have bought a flat in the Bahria town tower . Imagine how peaceful that place especially the top floors are for Praying during Ramzan. Away from all the infected de factos. But Now after surviving the first two weeks of Ramzan i believe putting off this grand design until the Ramzan Next or later was not such a bad idea.
3:45 am Sehri Time
5:10 am
Dua (Prayer) at the Beginning of the Fast
– وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتَ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ
Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri ramzan
I intend to keep the fast for tomorrow in the month of RamzanSo with this prayer my 13th fast (roza) of this Ramzan 1437 has begin or began whatever. The end of Sehri time in karachi today was 4:13 am its over an hour now . I am here after sehri and fajr prayer . after fajr i usually fall asleep but today i am here can't sleep . even though there is too much sleep in my eyes. The blogging can be so addictive. I had very simple sehri . A boiled egg in leftover chicken masala with two roti (chappati ) and a cup of tea and a bottle (500 ml) of Water.

Okay so where were we before the sehri oh yes talking of de facto. After quite a few years of wandering to far flung mosques away from the neighbourhood this year i decided to go back to the local mosque. By far flung i mean about Rs 60/- demanded by the motorized three wheeler's drivers or if you walk you have to leave home with the start of Azan otherwise you may miss the aqamat(The word iqama or ikamet (Arabic: إقامة) refers to the second call to Islamic Prayer, given immediately before the prayer begins) call. I will tell the reasons for leaving the local mosque some other time no promise . In few years nothing much has changed here except that most of regulars have changed. In recent years the restless cardiologically challenged rich people have increased in the mosques . In the extreme left and right sides of the rank rows there are desks and chair parked like rickshaws where people who could not prostrate (sajda) on the ground do it sitting. They Usually drive in their expensive cars from home or office and hop on to the chair or desk vacant or bring their own folding chairs (rickshaws) . Some of those are very light weight and handy to carry.
When i started going to this mosque in my childhood with Papa everybody knew him . Some liked him few were relatives . Now most are strangers very few familiar faces. The only relative i often see is an old first cousin of Papa who also happens to be a nearby neighbour. His father and my Papa had a close relationship which excluded him so because i had an even more close relationship with my Papa obviously he was excluded. Some unknown forces has tried and failed to fill up the gap or divide between us many a times at the cost of total destruction of the Afghanistan . Just few days ago in Ramzan we had an eye contact without an exchange of greetings at the end of taravee prayer and the afghan occupiers had to retreat.
The three main and biggest reasons why i donot follow the islamic way of person to person contact at the prayers or on the way are
1, weather not compatible i sweat a lot more profusely than most other fellow beings and Peers.
2, Karachi has a very bad reputation regarding street crime.
3, I don't enjoy embarrassing semi, partial or total strangers Some do come in handy when i am in the mood.
1:00 pm I have been up for over an hour now and ironically also on computer . the net is working fine as it is Sunday morning in ramzan most of the users on my cable are fast (!) asleep . The reason for not continuing this blog was a priority hardware / software installation task given to me by my superiors . you see every Kg has a kg + (translation of urdu proverb)
2:45 pm Okay i did it . The task is done . And i am still in the mood to do this blog. But first i have to offer the zuhr prayer and see how the weather is outside.

4:00 pm This week we had two fateha of paternal grand father in ramzan and paternal grand mother in june . Btw today is the happy fathers day and we should also offer fateha for him today. This week something happened that reminded me of Papa very much . One of his old neighbour and friends daughter presented the punjab budget. If he had been alive he would have been super excited as both Punjab and budget was his subjects of interest. And i and my siblings would have been on the receiving end .

This week a very interesting thing happend Afghan border security forces indiscriminately fired on the under construction border checkpost and gate being build by the Pak Army at Torkham . An officer embraced shahadat may his soul rest in peace. The Pak - Afghan Border remained closed and tense all week . I have no idea what Afghans who became super rich during the war Wants ? All i want is that they mind there own business and stop seducing our NADRA .
Asr Time :
Iftar Time :
Dua (Prayer) at the End of the Fast
– اللَّهُمَّ اِنِّى لَكَ صُمْتُ وَبِكَ امنْتُ وَعَليْكَ تَوَكّلتُ وَ عَلى رِزْقِكَ اَفْطَرْتُ
Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa alayka tawakkaltu wa ala rizq-ika-aftartuO Allah! I fasted for You and I believe in You and I put my trust in You and I break my fast with Your sustenance
8:00 pm

This week the Army announced that it has completed two years of The operation zarb-i-Azb against terrorist both is waziristan and karachi. The operation in karachi has been more successful with clear and visible results all i can say for waziristan is jungle main moor naacha kis ney dekha....still we have to take their word for it and thank them for all the sacrifices they have given for us . May the Lord be pleased with them and give them all he courage and strength they need to continue their resolve of bringing the peace this country and its people and especially the armed forces need and deserve. Pak fauj zindabad Pakistan Paindabad .
Here i end my Sunday blog # 11 wish you all a very happy and prosperous Eid shopping week ahead. Drive safe and stay safe eat healthy and keep praying for his blessings . here is one of my most favourite Naat ay Rasool ay maqbool (SAW) . Jazak Allah .
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